Sunday, August 15, 2010

"What happened to dynamic range?"

by Bob Speer 

"The question needs to be asked because we're the ones responsible for what's happened to our music."

Highlights: "Much of the music we listen to today is nothing more than distortion with a beat.  Great music is suffering because it lacks dynamic range.  When music lacks dynamic range, it lacks punch, emotion, and clarity.  The record labels blame digital downloads, MP3s, CD burners, and others for the lack of CD sales.  While there is some truth to their constant whining, they only have themselves to blame for the steady decline in CD sales.  The record labels need to reevaluate what they consider to be good music."

   This article states that music lacks dynamic range and that is why no one is listening. "Great music is suffering because it lacks dynamic range." Well... if it lacks dynamic range, how is it great music? In my opinion, there is plenty of dynamic music out there, and not enough dynamic listeners. If people actually weren't buying simple pop music, no one would be getting paid to record it. 
   It is every individuals responsibility, as with the responsibility of freedom, to open themselves to the grand world of sounds. 

   Support local artists and underground music, buy tickets, go to concerts and do what you can to spread the word.

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